The Purpose of Geoengineering and Chemtrails is Death

Activist Post – Special Report 

Urgent Alert: Throughout May of 2013, Southern California, home of 22 million people, received by far the most powerful daily aerosol attacks this writer has ever seen since learning of the Geoengineering issue in 2007. The sky remains whited-out and mountains ten miles away are barely visible due to toxic chemtrail fallout. Humanity, as motivated individuals of conscience, must unite and take immediate action to save lives and nature. Everyone must be informed quickly to stop this soft-kill murder operation, which is clearly escalating.

In earlier times it was easier to control a million people than physically to kill a million people. Today it is infinitely easier to kill a million people then to control a million people. – Zbigniew Brzezinski (National Security Advisor, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group)

Geoengineering, often referred to as Chemtrails, exists as a global nuisance for the primary purposes of causing severe bodily injury and premature death with malice aforethought.

Geoengineering involves large aircraft constantly spraying tiny particles of aluminum and barium, amongst many other harmful toxins, into the air/atmosphere. All people and animals then inhale these toxins while breathing, without informed consent. The toxins also poison the soil and fresh water sources.

It is well known and documented that long-term exposure to air pollution consisting of particulate matter significantly increases the risk of dying from lung cancer and heart disease. Over many years, the danger of breathing soot-filled air is comparable to the health risks associated with long-term exposure to second-hand smoke. In 2010 alone, 1,200,000 Chinese were killed by particulate air pollution.

The principle dangers of inhaling particulate matter applies to smoke and second-hand smoke causing lung cancer; coal miner’s lung (anthracosis), a lung disease due to inhalation of coal dust; and baker’s lung, inhaling flour and other allergens causes severe asthma. These dangers can be avoided, while Geoengineering particulate fallout cannot.

On a massive scale Geoengineering will likely result in democide if not stopped completely. According to Professor R.J. Rummel of the University of Hawaii, Democide is the murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder. Democide does not include soldiers killed in battle. During the 20th Century (1900s) alone, Rummel calculates that government power was used to murder approximately 262,000,000 people. It appears that history is repeating itself with improved technology.

Secondary purposes of Geoengineering include controlling the climate/weather for warfare and profits, and destroying the natural world while furthering the transhumanist/synthetic biology agenda.

The evidence indicates that Geoengineering is an essential element of the elite’s Endgame move to depopulate the planet. The pubic must be educated and the stratospheric spraying stopped immediately.

Do Geoengineering and Chemtrails Exist?

For the purposes of this article, “Geoengineering” and “Chemtrails” are defined as a military-industrial complex program, in partnership with private contractors and possibly major airlines, whereby planes spray particulate matter (particles/substances) into the atmosphere that otherwise would not be there.

Simply searching for images and videos of Chemtrails online will quickly provide overwhelming visual evidence demonstrating that they exist all over the world. Thousands of images containing strange aerial spraying formations can be seen in a matter of seconds. Numerous documentaries like What in the World are They Spraying and Why in the World are They Spraying have been watched by millions of people.

There is abundant documentation that Chemtrails exist. The Air Force’s 1990 Chemtrails chemistry manual is available online for download. Evergreen Aviation admits that it has chemtrail contracts with the Air Force. Exclusive lists of chemtrail patents are available. Congressman, Dennis Kucinich tried to stop Chemtrails with his Space Preservation Act of 2001.

In 2010 Scientists and Aerospace Engineers presentedconclusive evidence for Covert Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering, (aka “Chemtrails”) in a 336-page report called “Case Orange“. The term “Chemtrails” is in the text of 2001 legislation, (HR-2977) where “Chemtrails” are defined as an “exotic weapon”. The Case Orange report was commissioned by The Belfort Group, who held a “Chemtrail Symposium,” where the conclusions were presented by Aerospace Engineer, Dr. Coen Vermeeren.

Germany and Sweden admit to Chemtrails.

Many military whistleblowers like Kristen Meghan and Ben Livingston have courageously stepped forward to expose Geoengineering. Now, even government entities, such as the State of Texas, openly acknowledge that they are engaged in Geoengineering for weather modification.

Private pilots have taken up-close videos that prove beyond all doubt that the population is being sprayed from planes above without informed consent. There is also video evidence of Chemtrails being turned on, then turned off, then turned back on again.

Scientists and weathermen discuss Chemtrails, and many believe it is the most important topic in the world today.

This map appeared in The Guardian
Scientist and researcher Clifford Carnicom and many others have sacrificed much to inform the public about the dangers of Chemtrails/Geoengineering. Governments spend billions of dollars per year on Chemtrail spraying without telling the citizens. 

Geoengineering programs are having the effect of blocking out sunlight. The emergence of the Chemtrails phenomenon coincided with an average 22% drop in sunlight reaching the earth’s surface. Even the New York Times recently published a story stating that the Globe Grows Darker as Sunshine Diminishes 10% to 37%. Geoengineering is not mentioned in the Times article and no place for readers to comment was provided.

To be blunt, governments are Geoengineering and realize Chemtrail dangers yet refuse to protect the public health, safety, and welfare.

What is being Sprayed?

Hundreds of laboratory tests reveal that the primary components of Geoengineering are aluminum and bariumOther components include Synthetic polymers, Ethylene dibromide, Morgellons disease, viruses, fungi, and bacteria. The toxic metal particulates are rapidly absorbed from the respiratory system and / or the gastrointestinal tract and are deposited in the lungs, muscles, and bone.

According to Medscape, aluminum accumulation in tissues and organs results in their dysfunction and toxicity. If a significant load exceeds the body’s excretory capacity, the excess is deposited in various tissues, including bone, brain, liver, heart, spleen, and muscle. This accumulation causes morbidity and mortality.

One thought on “The Purpose of Geoengineering and Chemtrails is Death

  1. Pingback: Secret Project Revealed – “smart dust” distributed as an Aerosol on the Global Population | Electronic Stalking Neuro Weaponry Terror

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